District 4 of the United States Power Squadrons®

America's Boating Course

Learn the fundamentals of safe boat handling and operation plus basic piloting in this comprehensive classroom course. This newly revised course will give you the basics of line throwing, knot tying, boat handling, anchoring, navigation rules and aids, emergencies on the water and more.
More Information


Advanced Classes

view a full catalog of advanced boating classes click HERE

D4 Seminars

view a full catalog of seminars available click HERE

Join us and become a confident, competent mariner

Our organization's primary goal is to promote safe boating by offering courses in all aspects of boating: seamanship, navigation, cruise plannig, use of electronics, marine weather forecasting, engine maintenance, sailing, and more.  

Members can take advantage of events with interesting speakers, draw on the knowledge of experienced boats, and build friendships with people with the same love of the water.

Events and Classes

New York

Mar 11 - SIPS Change of Watch, Tuesday March 11  details


Mar 16 - Annual Memorial Service  details


Apr 26 - Boating Safety Course for NYS Certificate  details


Jun 16 - Boat Handling (Seamanship) Course  details


Jun 29 - City Island SPS 2025 Blessing of the Fleet  details


New Jersey

Mar 20 - Raritan Bay - St. Patrick's Day Social  details


Apr 5 - D4 2025 Spring Conf / Annual Meeting / C.  details


May 15 - Raritan Bay - Spring Fling Social  details


District 4 News

Message from the Commander Joe Velez

December 2024


My fellow members of District 4,

Winter is upon us and as we wind down 2024, we celebrate the various December holidays including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and others.

It is common at this time of year to look back on the ending year. We will reflect on special events and occasions. We will recall the highlights and low points, the accomplishments as well as unfulfilled hopes and dreams. What was and what could have been.

With a new calendar year looming, many of us use this time to take stock of ourselves and our situations and we will make resolutions for changing some aspects of our lives. Ideally, we will use our self-assessment of the past year, deciding what things we might wish to change, what things we can’t and being able to recognize the differences.

For me personally, as your District Commander, I look back on 2024 with gratitude. It was a quiet year for D/4. I feel blessed that we have an experienced bridge team, ready and able to move us forward to a future of growth and accomplishment. 

My personal resolutions for 2025 include doing better planning and doing more to set expectations for my team. I resolve to provide more direction and follow-through to ensure that we are doing the right things in the right way.  I also resolve to seek more ways and opportunities to foster cross-squadron collaboration in planning and conducting activities of every kind. I resolve to do whatever I can to ensure the continuing health and viability of every D/4 squadron. We must strive to be ready and able to help each other conduct educational, civic service, social and other activities even where any single squadron lacks the resources to act alone.   

I offer this resolution to all members of District 4. Let us resolve to be just a little more active and involved in our squadrons in 2025. Let us resolve to attend one more meeting, participate in one more event, volunteer for one thing. Let us all resolve to do just a little bit more in 2025 to keep our squadrons healthy and vibrant and growing.

As you read this message, we may be well into the holiday festivities of the season. Nonetheless, my wife Charlene and I wish you and your loved ones all the best for the holidays. May your family have a holiday season that is full of wonderful surprises, treats and nonstop joy. We wish you nothing but health, wealth and endless blessings in the new year ahead.


D/C Joe Velez



District 4 of the United States Power Squadrons is an active participant in the USPS Vessel Safety Check program. Click the green logo for information on how to schedule an inspection in your area.

Click the buttons below for information on other USPS information useful to boaters.


National Safe Boating Test America's Boating Course   State Boating Information

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